The Possibilities of Transcendence
Jan Valeska, translator
This book studies the issue of whether and how, when directly pursuing the experience of ultimate reality, it is possible to spell out this authentic experience and the chief paths leading to it using the language of philosophy. It probes the central themes of spirituality such as absolute love, truthfulness of faith, etc. The outcome is an experimental verification of the viability of the original conception of the non-intentional philosophy of transcendence which functions outside the limited framework of both objectifying natural theology and anthropocentric phenomenology of religious experience. Proceeding from an independent scrutiny of the external prerequisites of philosophical theology, this study shows just how various methodologically elaborated perspectives serve to pinpoint (both practically and theoretically) the unique, unexchangeable character of a lively relationship with a transcendental God and its transforming potential. Unlike the hitherto most advanced Lévinasian philosophical rendering of this relationship, this approach has not been abstracted to mere ethical commitment, but has been thematized in its polyfunctionality. Accent is placed on its structured universal dynamics and its precise distinguishing criteria, which are given by the nature of transcendence itself.
ISBN10: 0-7734-8896-0 ISBN13: 978-0-7734-8896-0 Pages: 104 Year: 1995
Series: Problems In Contemporary Philosophy Number: 34
Subject Area: Philosophy
Imprint: Edwin Mellen Press
© The Edwin Mellen Press, 2004